We are funded by donations from people like you
The 360 Dust Analysis program is funded by donations from people like you. In order to keep the program running and accessible to all, the VegeSafe & DustSafe programs need your support.
We ask that you consider making a small donation to cover the costs of the analysis, time involved, and laboratory consumables.
Donations of $20 (or more!) can cover the cost for up to five samples submitted for VegeSafe testing and also $20 for your vacuum DustSafe sample.
The 360 Dust Analysis program is a global research initiative to collect and analyse data on contaminants of concern that may be harmful to human health in homes and gardens..
Macquarie University, NSW, Australia.
Environment Protection Authority, VIC, Australia.
Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
IUPUI, Indianapolis, United States.